I’m back!

After a couple years hiatus (just because life gets in the way😁), I’ve recently been inspired to get back into blogging!

So, where I’ve been and what I’ve been up to? Long story! I’ll spare you the details.☺️

But let me just say that a couple years ago today I have undergone a major heart surgery called ‘Transcatherer ASD closure’ (full story here), and I am beyond blessed and forever grateful to the Lord for restoring my health. Yes, I am grateful to be alive today!

Also, I must say that the world has changed. The coronavirus was in the news back in late February and early March of 2020, and I didn’t pay it much attention until recently. Wearing a mask outdoors, businesses have shut down, grocery and restaurants deliver or pick up and personal services have even closed. No one goes anywhere except perhaps to take a walk inside and/or around their house’s perimeter fence. It is truly unprecedented, and last year I had no idea how it would affect the entire world and change our lives.

Well, our lives have changed because of the pandemic. And if it’s any consolation to you, despite the fact that the whole world is under the social, political and economic tornado caused by the coronavirus, there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. Just like everything else in this world, the bible clearly says that, “This, too, shall pass!”