
Benjamin Franklin said, “Either write something worth reading, or do something worth writing.”
Although I have had an eventful life, I am not sure how much of the events would be worthy to put in writing. However, there have been great lessons I have learned throughout my life which I believe are worth putting into words. It is for this reason that I share my journal on some of those momentous events. Much of what I write has been framed by the providential governance of God in my life. A short preview will suffice to introduce you to myself.
I was born in Southern Philippines. At a young age, I passed through a traumatic experience with the passing of my father. This led me to question the brevity of life which brought me to a saving knowledge of Christ while a student at the University of the Philippines (UP) in Diliman, Quezon City. After college, I went to Japan to pursue graduate studies. Now I am able to look back and see how my years in graduate school prepared me perfectly for my current role. Although I worked in managerial positions for many years in industries ranging from manufacturing, hotel to fashion industry, both in Manila and London, my most enjoyable work has been community outreach as I volunteer my time to my local church in Kensington, London where I now live. I have been encouraged to create an online journal where some of my writings can be made easily accessible to my family and friends.
I hope you will enjoy reading my thoughts on a variety of subjects.